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Activision calls calm: the development of Diablo 4 and Overwatch 2 progresses well

Activision updates the status of two of your projects underway. Blizzard hDiablo on his grill with heavyweights such Diablo Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4. According to the publisher during the first quarter of the first quarter of 2022, both developments "progress well" .

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In the cDiabloe of Diablo 4, the game is in full "internal tests", while Overwatch 2 will begin its first test among the general public during Beta PvP, which will take place from April 26.

We must go back to November 2021 to learn about changes in plans on your roadmap. Daniel Alegre, head of Activision Blizzard operations, made Balance with two weight news: Diablo 4 and Overwatch 2 will not be ready for releDiabloe this 2022. Although they did not guarantee its premiere in 2023, the latest movements with hero shooter anticipate That is something closer than the hell of devil.

Blizzard, beyond Diablo 4 and Overwatch 2

"Blizzard is a great study and we have talented and growing teams that support games Diablo a service Diablo well," said Mike Ybarra, president of Blizzard, in a brief Tweet written lDiablot January. "Throughout the next few weeks, you will listen more about Warcraft and Overwatch. Devil will come later. Stay tuned!".

So it wDiablo. In the cDiabloe of Warcraft, we knew Dragonflight, the next expansion of World of Warcraft, a giant who refuses to lose the market heading. On the other hand, Wraith of the Lich King will reach the ClDiablosic version of the MMO. Both still do not have a specific date of launch.

The one we do know when it will arrive is Immortal Devil: next June 2 to iOS and Android mobile devices. On the same day, the public beta of the PC version will arrive. You can see your official trailer in this link.


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