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Showing posts with the label project Red

Cyberpunk 2077 would not have been possible on the Witcher 3 engine - CDPR - coming RPG - Video Peeling news, instructions, exemplary procedures, reviews and culture

Producer Richard Borzymowski talks about the new engine of the coming RPG. Each time, when CD project has proven its worth cyberpunk 2077 In practice, the game looked like a visual powerhouse, and CDPP itself certainly did not sparse about talking about how well the game will look. In fact, so the Polish developer, build the upcoming role-playing game with exactly the same engine that it was built The witcher 3 would not have been possible. In an interview with MCV UK, cyBerpunk 2077 Producer Richard Borzymowski talked about how CD project Red His Engine for the game had to evolve to meet his vision for the world, the design and presentation within the game. "First and foremost we would not be able to develop cyberpunk on the exact same engine like the hexer ," he said. "The new engine has the advantage that we can develop it cyberpunk 2077 in the perspective of the first person, with all the verticality of the different buildings and skyscrapers around the ...