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Showing posts with the label mann

The Dark Pictures: Little Hope, Publication in June 2020, may be leaked

Maybe a German retailer has spilled the beans . One of the most interesting projects of recent years was super massive games and bandai namcos episodic The anthology of dark pictures . Designed as several smaller titles that explore different subgenres of the horror with branched selection systems, there is a lot of potential here. The first title in the franchise, mann from Medan was a solid effort, and we prepare for the second with a bit of hope. It could come pretty soon. The German retailer Saturn could possibly be able to announce the release date. Since then, you have cleaned your website with the date, but Reddit users have previously seen it and stated a publication date of 15 June this year. Mann from Medan launched last August, so that it would set a bit of hope_ as a publication just under a year later, and it agrees with the previously stated summer publishing window of the game. Outside a small joke inside mann by Medan We did not see much of the game, but we kn...