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Showing posts with the label subscribers

To weak free games? Extremely many players return PS plus the back

Sony breaks with PS5 records, but the subscriber number of PS plus breaks : In the first fiscal quarter 2021, the PlayStation service has lost over a million users. What was the issue? Sony can be completely satisfied with the performance of his gaming department: the PlayStation 5 is the fastest sold console of all time and also as regards the game sales, it looks rosy for the brand. (Source: Giga) However, the strong decline in PS-Plus subscribers raises questions in the first quarter of 2021. PlayStation Plus: Player numbers go back From the financial report of Sony, it can be seen that the subscriber number in the first quarter 2021 for the PlayStation Plus service was 46.3 million gamers. In comparison, in the fourth fiscal quarter 2020, it was still 47.6 million - so the service has lost 1.3 million subscribers **. This was at least eight years for the first time that the subscription numbers for PS plus have decreased so much between two quarters. In addition to the subs...