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Doom Eternal - New trailer comes tomorrow at 12:30 UT

New Twitter clip teases the slayer and a portal.

From all the great games in this area Bethesda was conspicuously quiet doom EWIG. Luckily, this silence has an end - the second official trailer to ID software's hyperviolent shooter comes tomorrow. It will be announced at 12:30 UV, but you can set yourself tomorrow at 11:00 am et at Bethesda's official Twitch to start the countdown. Or simply stare on the threatening clip of the hunter, which until then enters a portal without interruption.

Doom EWIG was originally planned for November 2019, but looked confronted with a delay for additional splendor. The switch version was delayed until further notice and is not started together with other platforms. After the delay, only a few details have been published, but tomorrow the marketing flash could start and be released.

Publication on March 22 for Xbox One, PS4 and PC, doom EWIG sees the fateful slaughter with the armed forces of hell return to war. He will use all new weapons, including a super-shot bottle with a gripping hook, a arm blade and the crucible blade. Be looking forward to the revelation of the trailer of tomorrow. Tagged with: Bethesda, Doom Eternal, ID Software, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, Xbox One


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