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Valorant: Everything we know about Fracture, the new map that will be released on the next patch

Riot Games has made official the launch of Fracture , a new map that will reach Valorant along the next version 3.05. Thus, the beginning of act 2 will be responsible for introducing the expected scene of this episode 3 to complete a total campus with seven differentiated levels that complete the first rotation of the tactical shooter. A main objective that, yes, will not prevent the number from continuing to increase in the future.

What can we expect from Fracture?

The new map of Valorant has a few features that will differentiate it from others and make it very difficult to imagine. The most outstanding is the shape of the scenario, arranged in such a way that we could appreciate an H from an air chamber or the minimap. However, it is still more curious about that the defender team will appear in the middle of the map that unites the two columns of the hache.

This unique feature will be accompanied by other interesting elements that will try to change the disposition of space. We will have Tyrolines and ropes by climbing and all a path of roads that are distributed in two opposing biomes . On the one hand, a breeze-style jungle and on the other a desert similar to Bind. All joined through the narrative argument that is about one of the first manifestations of the mirror that Riot Games showed us in the last great kinematics in history.

In addition to this, we will have access to different ones interactive objects and a series of secrets hidden by the map . Thus, Fracture becomes immediately the most risky scenario in the story of Valorant. A situation that Riot Games had clear since it began with the internal tests, which became the level in which the most changes has received throughout the history of the title.

NEW MAP Fracture CHANGES EVERYTHING! (feat. Riot Devs) - Valorant Map Guide

We will have to wait a few days, but very soon the phases of evidence will begin with the community in which we will participate for our first impressions. At the moment, We leave you with an image gallery :


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