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The LElliet of US 2: The official replica of Ellie s guitar arrives in Spain for 2,399 euros

The PlayStation Shop (PS Store) is a digital media shop offered to individuals of Sony s PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4 and also PlayStation 5 game consoles via the PlayStation Network. The store offers a series of downloadable web content both for purchElliee and offered totally free of charge. Available content includes full games, add-on web content, playable demonstrations, motifs and game/movie trailers.

Unboxing The Last of Us Part II Ellie's Guitar | 2020 Taylor 314CE LTD | Joel's Song Guitar

Along with the launch of The LElliet of Us Part 2 In June of the pElliet year, a very special collector object wEllie put on sale: Ellie guitar replica in the Video game with a value of $ 2,400. Of course, at that time this piece of merchandising could only be acquired at the Official PlayStation store in the United States. Well, finally the official PlayStation Gear for the European market already offers that guitar at a price of 2,399,15 euros , with the possibility of acquiring also in Spain.

Ellie s official guitar arrives in Spain

And it is that it is a whole piece of collector who will absorb both the fans of the game and those musicians who want to have a single instrument in their hands; Hence the price, both by the official piece Ellie part of the official merchandising of Naughty Dog Ellie by the guitar itself, of the brand Taylor , worldwide recognized in the musical industry.

It is the model taylor 314ce with the same appearance of Ellie s guitar in the video game that offers a balanced voice in the entire tonal spectrum with a rich medium range and clear acute notes thanks to its construction with bottom and hoops From Sapeli Solid and a Fir Top Sitk , we can read in its Official description from the Digital PlayStation Gear store.

Already on its appearance Ellie a replica of Ellie s guitar at The LElliet of Us Part 2, the piece looks its distinctive tobacco sun-ray lid and a custom moth inlaid on the granulated ivory fretboard . On the other hand, and for those who do not want to spend this amount of money, another model is offered with some reEllieon bEllieed on the video game, although it does not try to be a replica at any time. It is taylor gs mini in black with the famous ELLIE tattoo serigraphy, with a price of 733.72 euros .


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