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HumanKind will be available in the Game PC PC from the Lancemen

Should you play Neverwinter in 2021? In a little more than a week, either on August 17, Humankind will land on Steam and Epic Games Store and ... via the Xbox Game PC . Indeed, the Microsoft subscription-on-demand game system will offer the game Day One , as they say on the Atlantic.

The game in numbers

As recalled amplitude and Sega via the above video, this ambitious 4x allows you to create and prosper a single civilization by combining no less than 60 crops. Always in the numbers, as and when they evolve , players will discover 93 distinct technologies, and will be accompanied by more than 13 hours of sound environments (spread over 1300 audio files). This sound landscape will be punctuated by 280 titles composed by Arnaud Roy, cumulating 520 minutes of an original band played by 63 musicians and 20 choristers.

To win, players will be able to count on 129 units that can move on 10 different biomes. Yes, welcome to the 4x of the future.

HumanKind is scheduled for August 17, 2021 on PC and Stadia.


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